Make A Payment
Access Your Account
Access and Sign Your Electronic Documents
- Perkins Electronic Signature Documents
Perkins Loan - Deferment, Cancellation & Forbearance Forms
- Deferment Applications and Instructions
- Forbearance Applications and Instructions
- Cancellation Applications and Instructions
- Law Enforcement and Corrections Officer
- Public Defense Lawyers
- Nurse or Medical Technician
- Fire Fighter
- Teaching Services
- Librarian
- Speech Language Pathologist
- Provider of Early Childhood Intervention Services
- Service in a Child or Family Service Agency
- Professional in a Head Start Program
- Pre-K or Child Care Program
- Military Service Cancellation
- Volunteer Service in Peace Corp or VISTA
- Please contact the SUNY SLSC with any deferment and forbearance related questions.
- For your security DO NOT fax or email documents displaying your Social Security Number.
Health Prof. & Nursing Loans - Deferment & Forbearance Forms
- Health Professions Deferment Application and Instructions
- Nursing Student Loan Deferment Application and Instructions
- Forbearance
Loan Program Borrower's Guides
- Online Borrower Guides
Links- SUNY Policy and NY State Law
Student Aid Online Resources
Gramm-Leach Bliley Act
Some of the forms above require Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you are unable to use Adobe Acrobat to view and print these forms,
please contact us so that we can mail them to you.